If you have questions, most likely others have had them too! Browse our list of frequently asked questions, and feel free to contact us directly if you don’t find the answers you need. We’re here to help!
Watch our video to learn more about why you should hire a consultant to help your practice grow!
The goal when working with teams is never to walk in and fire team members. Rather the goal should be to create team cohesion, make sure your systems are effective and you are efficient. There is no sense in working harder, longer and more stressed out hours if you do not have to. The goal is always to work smarter.
No team is the same, therefore no consulting should be the same. Having a boxed set of guidelines to follow will not work for every team. Consulting should be customized to fit your practice, your team, and your goals.
Watch our video to learn if you are or aren’t the problem.
Making money each year is important of course, but knowing which systems work and which do not is the only way to ensure continuous success each year. Your business numbers will start the story, but more investigation and consistent work will guarantee growth each year.
It is imperative for any company to get to know your team, what works well for them and what they need help with. No one can know everything in one visit, just as you cannot restore a patient’s mouth in one visit. That is why you should receive visits frequently, such as each quarter for at least 2 days. Having a team-centered meeting that includes everyone will also guarantee bonding and teamwork.
Just as not all offices are the same, not all consulting packages are the same. If you are not comfortable with a long-term contract with up-front fees, well so are we! All of our contracts are monthly, with no upfront fees. Make sure you are working with a firm that understands your wants and needs and can be flexible for you
Remember, coaching is there to be supportive and helpful not to make your life more stressful. And coaching is never about you being wrong or feeling bad about yourself. Choose a team to work with that will enhance the great work you have started and make you feel better about being a business owner.