Practice Dynamics

4 Steps to Efficient Team Management

CoVid has changed so much in our world and our team is no exception. Team management seems to be more troubling now than ever before.  Ensuring you have the right people on board, trained effectively, and sharing your vision is a process and one we may not have a lot of time for. However, if…
Practice Dynamics

Happy New Year Hygiene Team! How Are You Performing?

January brings about the New! New year, new goals, new metrics. And that is exactly how we are starting our new year, with metrics and analysis for our clients. One of our favorite categories to track is Hygiene. And since your hygiene department contributes to the overall production of your office, it is important that…
Practice Dynamics

DiSC: Learning about Yourself, Your Team and Your Patients

This year we practiced social distancing.  What did you miss most?  I could list several things but one that stands out is the simple evening out to dinner.  Meeting new people and interacting with new friends.  I have always been a student of communication and love learning new things. Have you ever wondered why some…
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