Practice Dynamics

4 Steps to Efficient Team Management

CoVid has changed so much in our world and our team is no exception. Team management seems to be more troubling now than ever before.  Ensuring you have the right people on board, trained effectively, and sharing your vision is a process and one we may not have a lot of time for. However, if…
Practice Dynamics

Let’s Analyze Your Fees

Talking about your fees is difficult enough, so we can imagine it is very difficult to consider raising them and explaining that increase to your team and your patients. When is the right time to analyze your fees for an increase? If you are like most dentists, you don’t routinely increase your fees and it…
Practice Dynamics

Wow Wednesdays

If you have ever worked with a real estate agent or talked with one, you have probably heard them say it’s all about Location, Location Location. We have one of those terms in our industry as well. It is Document, Document Document. Everything we do in health care and dentistry and each conversation we have…
Practice Dynamics

Strategic Planning: The Time is Now

The Time Is Now When was the last time you lead a strategic discussion about the growth and goals of your dental office?  If you find yourself resisting being strategic because it sounds like the fast track to irrelevance you are probably not alone.   We survive in the day to day activities of our dental…
Practice Dynamics

Increasing Your Fees

If you are like most dentists you don’t routinely increase your fees and it can be a tricky subject. The main road block we here from teams is patients don’t like to pay more, especially if they’ve been around for a long time and they’re used to the old rates, but it can always be…
Practice Dynamics

Systems; What Are They and Why Do We Need Them?

If you have worked outside the dental industry in a business setting, chances are you are familiar with the term Systems. However, in the dental world, the term and the concept are not used as readily. But they should be. Think of systems as a set of organized instructions forming an entire network of how…
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